Prayer means talking to God. If you pray & develop a prayer life, you will grow in the relationship with God. You naturally develop a relationship with anyone you talk to often.

    If for instance I preach to you, you will know what I am trying to say. But if you talk back to me, I get the chance to talk to you & you talk back to me. As this continues, the relationship becomes a little more intimate. You will begin to know me. It's the same thing with God. God has preached to us, we read  his preaching from the bible. If you begin to talk to him & he talks back to you, you will develop a relationship with him & you will know him & he will know you.


1. It's important to spend some time with God in prayer everyday.

- pray without ceasing ( 1 Thessalonians 5:17)

2. Prayer builds up in your faith.

_but you, dear friends, builds yourselves up in your most holy faith & pray in the holy Spirit. ( Jude 1:20)

3. Prayer helps to overcome temptations.

_  ( Matthew 26:41)

_ watch & pray so that you will not fall into temptation. The spirit is willing, but the body is weak.

4. You can pray about everything.

_ MARK 11:24

_ Therefore l tell you, whatever you ask for in prayer, believe that you have received it, & it will be yours.

    In a nutshell, let us be vigorous in praying , let us not be feeble when praying. 

     Thank you for your attention & may the Lord our God bless us all.